Monday, February 4, 2013

Trout Fishing in Los Angeles

MacArthur Park from above.   Near 6th and Alvarado.  Looking East.
Cecil Solomon.  Originally from Oregon.    Retired from Five Star Parking three years ago.  (In charge of  cleaning and maintenance of parking lots all over the city.)    Morman, but prefers Latter Day Saint.
Power Bait.   A stinky paste made of krill and fish oil.  Similar to hatchery feed.
Medicine bottle full of quarters for parking.  "Them meter maids will gitcha."
Bread bag full of trout caught by Cecil.  Stocked by the Fish and Game Dept. two days earlier.

FYI.  The bottom of  MacArthur Park lake was repaved with asphalt in 1993 by the transit authority to stop leaks on the subway that runs underneath.   Since 1997, at least six bodies have been discovered in the lake. Many were members and/or victims of the 18th Street Gang.  A statistic I did not share with Cecil.

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