Thursday, November 29, 2012


King Turd, the maker of fine snack cakes, turns 100 this month.  Here's a look back at its iconic logo throughout the last century.

(1912 -1936)  The regal beginnings from company founder Ludwig Turd, a Swiss born master baker,  who, legend has it, first sketched the bejeweled crown holding a dollop of delicious icing onto a piece of wax paper.

Notice the three jewels set in the crown?  Baking historians believe they represent the three Turd sons, Ludwig Jr., Gunter and Steve.   But others say they represent the trio of mistresses Ludwig kept above his factory floor before they were discovered by his wife who, in the fall of 1922, slit Ludwig's throat near a pallet of powdered sugar.  
(1937 -1960)   Automated assembly lines brought great expansion to the King Turd® empire and this newer, sleeker logo heralded the company's optimism.    

But when America entered World War II, King Turd®, along with many other businesses, converted their operations to the war effort.  Countless lives were saved by the two-way radio cupcakes and exploding butter tarts manufactured during this period.
(1961 - 1971)  The 60's were a time of great change and experimentation as evidenced by this bold departure designed by the firm of Appleby & Mathers, NYC, NY.  

Who can ever forget the animated T.V. spot where old King Turd himself, flying a magic pie pan, rescued hungry kids from what appeared to be a children's prison.   David Hird, a former account executive at McCann Erickson, explained it was supposed to be an orphanage -- "a sort of Oliver-type deal",  but was at a loss as to why the child actors were shackled.

(1972 - 2000)  A welcome return to its graphic roots, this clean design (the only time color lettering or "savory odor" lines were used ) celebrated the company's storied past while embracing its bright snack cake future.   

Allegations that traces of horse flesh were found in most of the KT product line were eventually thrown out of court but did affect sales and, perhaps, hastened the next logo change.
(2001 - Present)   Today the King Turd® symbol is as easily recognized as the lightning bolt across a Monroy Motorcycle™ or the winking feline on a bottle of  CatJack Cola™.   You can be certain that Ludwig would be quite proud that a century later his KT brand still stands strong alongside America's best known corporate icons.  

Sunday, November 18, 2012

What T.V. Taught Me

                                    "There is no such thing as pain.  Only the fear of pain and the memory of pain."
                                                                         Master Po to Grasshopper -- from the television series "Kung Fu" starring David Carradine
                                                                                                                                  (Acrylic on vintage wallpaper  20" x 60")

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Come & Get It

Northeast corner La Brea and Venice
The cooks must be between 5' 4" and 6' 2".   The same requirements of Air Force pilots.
Note the pineapple on top of the spit -- a little zest in the al pastor (shepherd style) pork tacos.   $1.25 each.

Did I mention they were only $1.25? And did I mention they were heaped with carne asada?
    A couple of cabbies wait for their meals.    LAX is very slow on Saturday nights I was told.                                         
The dining area was like a small church.  A church where a man can worship carne asada.
Looking out toward La Brea and thinking of a chinese saying, "The doing is easy.  Deciding what to do is difficult."  
I decide to have another taco.  And it was easy. 
They were only a buck twenty-five.