In the Eighties, when I was a smart ass teen, my Mom told me
that at her age (40's), you just don't have a blast anymore.
"Oh, you can have a good time, but you just don't have a blast."
I totally dismissed her, saying
that if that were true it was her own damn fault.
This upset her, but I wouldn't take it back.
That argument has always bothered me, so last week I finally called to apologize.
I said I got it now, and although I still have plenty of good times, "blasts",
in the strictest teenage sense, might be over.
My Mom graciously accepted my apology and we chuckled about the incident.
Then, just before she hung up, she added that at 60
I could forget about even the good times.
(Acrylic, oil, crayon on 22" x 24" board)